
soil |soil|
ORIGIN late Middle English : from Anglo-Norman French, perhaps representing Latin solium ‘seat’ by association with solum ‘ground’

soul - |sōl|
ORIGIN Old English sāwol, sāw(e)l, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch ziel and German Seele.

Syria - March 2008

In my last visit to Syria, I collected some soil from a farm and that was my first step towards this project.

engaging with nature and touching the soil with my hand was very important during the collection performance as soil is an essential element in nature and to fulfil the soul, I had to feel the soil..

I asked my sister who was having a walk with me to photograph me while I was doing my performance. Of course, she was shocked enough to ask 'what the hell are you doing?' I simply replied: "This is Art". She did not ask about anything after that and she was smiling all the time while she was photographing me but I still do not know what she was meaning by her smile!

After I put the soil in the bag, I wrote 'Syria' on it just to link the name of the place from where the soil was collected with the soil itself otherwise it could be any soil from any land. This makes me think again about identity and how we can identify something by relating it to something else such as a place... Soil could be soil anywhere but is it really the same?!

My sister's reaction was nothing compared to what happened in the airport when I wanted to photograph the bag on my way back to Cardiff.

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