
soil |soil|
ORIGIN late Middle English : from Anglo-Norman French, perhaps representing Latin solium ‘seat’ by association with solum ‘ground’

soul - |sōl|
ORIGIN Old English sāwol, sāw(e)l, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch ziel and German Seele.

Soil Letter from Ania - September 2008

Ania’s soil letter has arrived!

It looks like any normal letter but once it’s opened, I discovered how tidy it is! Ania sent me two tiny plastic bags. One of the polish soil, the other contains the Isle Of Wight’s beach sand. But what I liked most was the card in the letter. It wasn’t a normal card, it was a part of one of Ania’s artworks as I can guess.

What does it mean to be an artist?
(Please answer and pin the card to the board)

Seriously, it is quite a big question! I spent few hours thinking about the answer, yes, I did and I am still! The question sounds simple but the answer could be as simple as the question is or could be as complicated as our life is. What I am sure about is that every person would answer this interesting question based on his beliefs and views about his/her definition of ‘art’.

I don’t remember if I mentioned this before but I believe that we (people) who give the meaning of a ‘place’. The place is just a place but we create its meaning based on our experiences and feelings towards this place. Now Ania’s letter led me to realize a very simple fact about letters: we could also give meanings to the letters we receive based on our experiences. Of course, I would not be that much happy if I received this ‘artistic’ card along with the electricity bill! Anyway Ania, I will answer the question one day and pin the card to my board!

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